A family tries to out-distance Nazi persecution. They run, with hopes for a brighter future. The father strains forward, pulling the wagon with all of his strength. Within is every precious possession they could gather. The sons also strain forward pulling the mother by the hand and by the apron. But their wagon has broken. One by one their earthly goods spill out upon the road behind them. The moment captured by this sculpture is when the mother turns to see that one of the items fallen from the wagon is the baby. What to do? The family is already approaching the light (representing hope and survival). The baby is already in the darkened areas. Does one go onward and build a new life with the remaining family, or go back to die with the child? As an artist, I could not answer this question. I could merely place the Hebrew letter Shin (my symbol for "Shaddai", one of God's name) in the finish of the piece. The Shin can be found twice: once in the front of the sculpture and again by the child in the darkened area. Thus placingbthem all in God's hands. Description: Terra Cotta
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